Riding School


Active Member
I am looking for a few really slow riders to attend the Rich Oliver Mystery School with me Dec 11 and 12. http://www.youtube.com/user/RichOliversMystery
Rich is a multi time AMA 250 Road race champ. In fact I think he has won more AMA 250 races than anyone else in history.
Royce McLean is a regular at Rich's schools and I have been to this school once before. It is by far the most fun I have ever had at a race school.
This is not a road race school so watch the videos to get an idea of what the school is about then come on down and crash your brains out.
The faster a road race guy you are, the more you will benefit from this.
This guy was taught by Kenny Roberts Senior and this is how he taught him. He also has a lot of insights into the AMA race scene both past and present.
I don't think there is anything in this for me if Rich signs up more riders but mention my name when you talk to him and if I get any further discount I will split it with you.
I am already getting a returning rider discount but I would have paid full price, it's that much fun.
Michael Cormier 87 Red


Active Member
im thinking of doing a class, but sooner to when the season starts so i can apply what ive learned rather than forget (ADD and a 10 minute attention span lol).
Royce McLean highly recommends the Rich Oliver Mystery School.

Royce McLean highly recommends the Rich Oliver Mystery School.

For those of you who are interested in the Rich Oliver Mystery School, it was a tremendous benefit for Royce. If you want to learn to be a consistent and fast rider, this is probably the best investment you can find for your racing dollars. Rich will teach you very unique techniques that you can apply to your training and racing. He will teach you skills that you can practice all winter while you are waiting for the racing season to begin. In the years of watching Royce racing, I have seen him get caught in some very difficult circumstance, but the skills that Rich taught Royce automatically kicked in like second nature and it has literally saved his life many times.

We highly recommend it.

Todd and Royce McLean


Active Member
Go to the youtube link and look at the Dec 11-12 practice. I am #7 (the guy who yells at Rich after being passed).
It was my second time at the camp and it is just too much fun. I would have stayed there and run the whole camp again if I could.
Learning flat track from a guy who actually raced a 500cc MotoGP bike is incredible!